I admit it. When I first jumped into the social arena I hated twitter. I resisted joining as long as possible and even when I did it was not with great enthusiasm. I just didn’t get it. At first I tried to treat it like facebook, only following people I knew personally and trying to read all their updates every time I logged in. It was exhausting and not very useful.
Case in point, my first three tweets:
Case in point, my first three tweets:
Nearly a year later...
And six months after that...
But then something happened, suddenly I just got it. I think the light bulb clicked when I started following twitter conversations around one of my then favorite TV shows, Bravo’s Top Chef. This is a show my husband simply refuses to watch with me, so I turned to the twittersphere to dish (no pun intended) about the current episode as I was watching it. Twitter was suddenly fun; I felt part of the community.
Today I love twitter, both from a personal and professional perspective. I have made countless connections through twitter engagements, and I just find that it’s really fun to tap into conversations that are interesting to me-- from Top Chef to parenting to social media.
People say to me all the time, “I just don’t know where to begin,” when it comes to Twitter. I can definitely relate since I felt the same when I first jumped on board in 2007.
This is what I tell them: getting started is as simple as 3 tweets per day.
The Three Tweet Per Day Diet
Three tweets per day is a great way to build an audience that is both authentic and relevant. Don’t even consider buying followers. What’s the point of having robots and spammers in your follower list? That doesn’t build influence or engagement-- the whole point of being social.
Why three?
1) It’s an easy, manageable number of tweets to produce per day. Crafting three tweets shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, and on most days that could be much less. You can draft and schedule a week’s worth of tweets all at once to be even more efficient, but you have to make sure that your tweets publish at an appropriate time-- ie you don’t want a scheduled tweet to publish about something frivolous while everyone else is suddenly tweeting about a major tragic breaking news story.
2) According to SocialBakers research, average tweet engagement rates drop considerably after the first three tweets of the day:
Today I love twitter, both from a personal and professional perspective. I have made countless connections through twitter engagements, and I just find that it’s really fun to tap into conversations that are interesting to me-- from Top Chef to parenting to social media.
People say to me all the time, “I just don’t know where to begin,” when it comes to Twitter. I can definitely relate since I felt the same when I first jumped on board in 2007.
This is what I tell them: getting started is as simple as 3 tweets per day.
The Three Tweet Per Day Diet
Three tweets per day is a great way to build an audience that is both authentic and relevant. Don’t even consider buying followers. What’s the point of having robots and spammers in your follower list? That doesn’t build influence or engagement-- the whole point of being social.
Why three?
1) It’s an easy, manageable number of tweets to produce per day. Crafting three tweets shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, and on most days that could be much less. You can draft and schedule a week’s worth of tweets all at once to be even more efficient, but you have to make sure that your tweets publish at an appropriate time-- ie you don’t want a scheduled tweet to publish about something frivolous while everyone else is suddenly tweeting about a major tragic breaking news story.
2) According to SocialBakers research, average tweet engagement rates drop considerably after the first three tweets of the day:
3) For new tweeters, three tweets a day is a good balance between being consistent and informative vs. being annoying. You’ll see below how to balance these tweets to cover a wide area in a way that quickly builds a relevant audience.
What to tweet?
Your tweets should be divided into 3 types of posts:
1) One tweet about you, your life, and/or what you’re doing. This just reinforces you are a fully-fledged human being with unique interests and qualities. People like to follow other people, not just talking heads or content bots. Be human, give us a glimpse into your life behind the scenes. That’s just plain interesting. For me, I tweet a lot about the social media landscape and content relative to my business, but also about my kid and my love for making soup. You don’t have to be a one dimensional person who only tweets about one topic. Variety will help you gain more followers.
2) A second tweet should be referring to a piece of content you like, that you’ve actually read and recommend. Share something valuable with me that you found interesting and informative. If you liked it, I probably will too and I will follow you to get access to other pieces of content you find interesting as well. This helps establish you as a thought leader in your space, especially if you are also sharing long-form content you’ve written (articles, blogs, etc).
3) Your third tweet should engage another tweeter directly. Ask someone a question, give them feedback, tell them you liked something they did or wrote. Just start a 2-way conversation with another person using Twitter. After all, this is social media. This help you build followers that you find valuable and interesting as once you start a conversation with someone they are much more likely to follow you back for future connections.
When you share interesting content, engage other users, and share your humanity, you become a very interesting person to follow on twitter. Augment this three tweet per day diet by using twitter to make real life connections (for example, see my post on how to use Twitter when attending conference and events).
When you break it down to three manageable tweets per day, building your personal brand on twitter becomes quite easy and fun! What do you think? Is this a plan that you would follow? Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
For more thoughts on social media (and Top Chef and parenting), please follow me @TerraIncognita.
What to tweet?
Your tweets should be divided into 3 types of posts:
1) One tweet about you, your life, and/or what you’re doing. This just reinforces you are a fully-fledged human being with unique interests and qualities. People like to follow other people, not just talking heads or content bots. Be human, give us a glimpse into your life behind the scenes. That’s just plain interesting. For me, I tweet a lot about the social media landscape and content relative to my business, but also about my kid and my love for making soup. You don’t have to be a one dimensional person who only tweets about one topic. Variety will help you gain more followers.
2) A second tweet should be referring to a piece of content you like, that you’ve actually read and recommend. Share something valuable with me that you found interesting and informative. If you liked it, I probably will too and I will follow you to get access to other pieces of content you find interesting as well. This helps establish you as a thought leader in your space, especially if you are also sharing long-form content you’ve written (articles, blogs, etc).
3) Your third tweet should engage another tweeter directly. Ask someone a question, give them feedback, tell them you liked something they did or wrote. Just start a 2-way conversation with another person using Twitter. After all, this is social media. This help you build followers that you find valuable and interesting as once you start a conversation with someone they are much more likely to follow you back for future connections.
When you share interesting content, engage other users, and share your humanity, you become a very interesting person to follow on twitter. Augment this three tweet per day diet by using twitter to make real life connections (for example, see my post on how to use Twitter when attending conference and events).
When you break it down to three manageable tweets per day, building your personal brand on twitter becomes quite easy and fun! What do you think? Is this a plan that you would follow? Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
For more thoughts on social media (and Top Chef and parenting), please follow me @TerraIncognita.